







How do I become a Mason?
Asking this question is the first step in the process. The second step is to print and complete a Petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry. We will be glad to help you complete your petition at the Lodge on any Thursday evening.
To complete your petition, you will need:
1. A certified copy of your birth certificate or a copy of your passport
2. A desire to become active in your community
3. The signatures of five Masons, at least two of whom must be members of Mars Hill Lodge (Don’t know any Masons?  That’s okay, come to the Lodge on any 4th Thursday evening and you will meet more than enough.)
We also require that anyone who petitions the Lodge not have been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.
Once you have completed the petition and obtained the required signatures, you should submit your petition to the Secretary of the Lodge, who will read it at the next business or “stated” meeting. These occur on the first Thursday of each month.  An investigation committee of three members will be appointed, and one or more members of that committee will contact you to schedule a time when they can meet with you in person.  The purpose of this interview is to allow the committee to get to know you, to review the answers on your petition, and to get a sense of why you are interested in becoming a Freemason.  They will likely ask you to arrange this interview at a time when they can meet with your family as well.  This will give the members of your family a good opportunity to ask questions about Masonry and about our experiences in the fraternity.
At the following business meeting (typically one month later), the investigation committee will return their reports, and the Lodge will vote upon your petition. If you are elected to receive the Degrees, a member of the Lodge will contact you to congratulate you and schedule your first degree in Masonry.
It is a relatively simple process, but if you have any questions or comments about the petition or about Masonry in general, please e-mail Jason Waldon.